Chapter 1. Planetary transition

Chapter 2. Objectives of this Gospel

Chapter 3. The Path that each have in front Chapter 4. '... Whosoever will save his soul, shall lose it; and whoever loses his soul ... will save it' Chapter 5. Devil Chapter 6. A new family, the relationship between a man and a woman
Chapter 7. Education, as the goal of the perfect personality Chapter 8. Two major transitions: birth and death Chapter 9. Religion Chapter 10. Faith and science Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol


Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol.

1 You have just begun the development of the mental body today, and this Way is long. Noospheric ideology - it's just the beginning; this gives to you just the ability to interact with the planet in a planetary mental body.

2 To pass through the Gate and enter into the transition successfully, you should see before yourselves this piece of the Way, a picture of your near future.

3 The change in the energetical structure of the planet will come to the end in December of 2012 year; the conditions of a life on the Earth shall be defined by the qualitatively new energies. In the next 12 years there will be a stabilization of the planetary status: life on the planet will adapt to the new conditions of her stay.

4 The 1000-years period will begin with the year 2025 on a planet, when all souls, which accompanying it, shall be incarnated for one more time on her physical body, to bring the final balance to the transition. 1000 years will be needed for this - otherwise they just will not have the time to live in their incarnations.

5 Together with them in the incarnation on a planet, as it already happens today, shall be seniors from other civilizations, which number makes usually about 10 %. Without an interfering into your free will and without an interfering into your own defining of your Path, they accompany the life of Reason, as a continuous process on this planet. Their evaluation will be taken into the account in a decision-making issue, about how ready you are for a meeting with other civilizations of Universe.

6 As it has been lately, along with you, in the incarnation on this planet, will be observers, whose number is closer to 10%. They will only record the passage of the entire planet the stages of the transition, inform their worlds about the realization of this process and create a teaching material for the general evolution of Reason.

7 Over the next 1,000 years of your history, you have to accomplish the transition from the mental level of the development of a consciousness, which is already open in your civilization, to the interoperability in causal fields - such a device of the evolution as the cause and effect, should be mastered by you in perfection until the expiration of this period.

8 The approximate orientation of the transformation of your consciousness may happen this way. The first 200 years are assigned to ensure that the noosphere ideology became a daily occurrence of your life. This means that you will realize your unity with the surrounding world and understand your place in the Universe. In this period of time the Energetical Physiology of a Human, as the spiritual system of a knowledge of the world and the mechanism of the evolutionary development, will stand against the noosphere mechanisms, but also will be developed in parallel, as the basis of evolution.

9 The following 400 years will go on the development of the Energetical Physiology of a Human to become an ideology of your development. It will be entered from the conceiving of a new organism, and will accompany him through his life, until his exit out of the incarnation and the transition in the subtle dimension.

10 In the following 200 years, the system will start outlive itself; partly due to the fact that it have reached a major role in the development of the civilization, partly because the signs of a philosophizing devil will be present in that part of a humanity, that does not meet the criteria of the planetary transition. Those will be in the majority and this figure is already known by you for a long time: almost 2/3 of tested organisms and minds will not be able to pass the Gate of this transition.

11 They will be redistributed on other planets and systems, which level of the development of consciousness, do not exceed the current level of the Earth, but really-is far below it. The lowering in the level will be taken in order to close their karmic debt, acquired on this planet; they will serve as an example for the lower consciousnesses, inhabiting the planet.

12 The consciousnesses, which have been passed testing, will form a fifth dimension of the planet Earth, which is already open and is filling up.

13 The system of the evolution of a consciousness based on an energetical physiology, should prepare a replacement to itself in this fourth two-hundredth anniversary , namely, - an effective tool, corresponding with time of an active transition. Strategic framework for such a transformation is that, in the past 200 years of this Millennium, energo-psychological situation on the Earth will become aggravated and worsen again because of the approximation of time for a completion of a 1000-years stage.

14 If the middle part of this stage of the Path can be a stable and static, the end pieces must be dynamic and intense. Because of this, today, your world is experiencing such a voltage of the energo-psychological situation.

15 Therefore, the future strategic objective of the Energetical Physiology of a Human becomes a problem of its self-transformation from continuously changing dynamical type, which is corresponding to a real change in the situation on the planet in to the form of active moderation and modulation of the planetary change, which is corresponding to a phase of overlapping boundaries between the measurements and the active transition of the planetary consciousness to the next evolutionary level. This problem is real and enforceable, because in the foundation of the energo-physiological base is universal and the initial energy of the Creation, which varies itself continuously.

16 For the successful execution of this task, for the constant dynamical realized support of a 1000-years stage of the transition period, here is introduced an Earthwatch Institute, which is formed from the earthlings themselves, going through their incarnation on Earth. The Institute works closely with the seniors from extraterrestrial civilizations, and their workers, which are ensuring a continuous succession during this test period for the planet.

17 This is not a public organization, like you used to see among the similar formations. This is the community of plowman, sowers and reapers of the evolution; each of them is born from the depths of his own awakening consciousness and takes the responsibility for ministry to the Evolution. Thanks to the spiritual unity of a Patrol, directed on a execution of uniform objective, each of them, constantly being in a spirit and conducted by the energies of the subtle levels of a consciousness, always knows its mission and its role in this ongoing process.

18 No matter where in the world a new Sentinel will be born, where his ministry is and on what fields of the activity of the civilization it is directed, all of them together bear and maintain the energy balance of the planet, directed in such a way, that the process of the evolutionary testing will be as efficiently as possible for the civilization and the planet. At the same time, the struggle for each individual consciousness is also a part of their problem: the more incarnated minds will be positively passed through this testing, the greater assessment their job will deserve.

19 No need to search for the location of the Institute or its Servants themselves: each one of them independently feels its birth in the spirit, knows his tasks and his place of the service; even the physical meeting of the Servants with each other, would be no notable for you, but they will always be in their post. However, beware of those, who will be publicly declaring their involvement in Earthwatch: such a people will not have anything to do with the execution of their problem..

20 The last 200 years of this 1000-year period should be devoted to the preparation of civilization directly to the transition.

21 No matter which planetary situation will take place during all these years, objective is one: to help each individual consciousness, which striving ITSELF to the positive test results, to overcome this boundary as well, as to unite the collective planetary consciousness on the passage between the measurements.

22 No matter of the outcome of the transition to the new energy in 2012, no matter, how successfully will be completed the planetary adaptation to the new conditions of life to the year of 2025, regardless of the circumstances, in which this will take place in the period of 1000 years and how it will be in the last 200 years - the Earthwatch spends their continuous Service and its task on a physical body of the planet until the last moments before the final closing of the Gate of the transition, to support and assist each Consciousness, up until the last consciousness, which is heading toward the transition.

23 The Earthwatch goes from this planet the latest; this closes the border between the dimensions and finishes the planetary transition.


Written in the 43rd week of 2007, in the Spirit, in Consciousness, in ministry and in great gratitude. Amen.


Chapter 1. Planetary transition Chapter 2. Objectives of this Gospel Chapter 3. The Path that each have in front Chapter 4. '... Whosoever will save his soul, shall lose it; and whoever loses his soul ... will save it' Chapter 5. Devil Chapter 6. A new family, the relationship between a man and a woman
Chapter 7. Education, as the goal of the perfect personality Chapter 8. Two major transitions: birth and death Chapter 9. Religion Chapter 10.Faith and science Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol


It is necessary to work spiritually, persistently and purposefully to bring your feasible contribution in planetary Evolution. But already that you will consider for necessary to distribute this Gospel, and especially, - to follow it and will engage in it with persistence and inspiration, - it will change your life for ever...