Chapter 1. Planetary transition

Chapter 2. Objectives of this Gospel

Chapter 3. The Path that each have in front Chapter 4. '... Whosoever will save his soul, shall lose it; and whoever loses his soul ... will save it' Chapter 5. Devil Chapter 6. A new family, the relationship between a man and a woman
Chapter 7. Education, as the goal of the perfect personality Chapter 8. Two major transitions: birth and death Chapter 9. Religion Chapter 10. Faith and science Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol


Chapter 5. Devil.

1 Not all is cloudless on your way. Many dangers lurking for you, and the first of them is the devil - this is how you call this energy. And this is nothing more, than propriety of your lowest mind, your reason.

2 Your mind was originally created to manage all of your bodies, the number of which is seven. Its primary problem is the coordination of their actions, their energy supply, and their communication with the primordial energy of the Creation, their interaction with the material energies of the three-dimensional world.

3 So it was initially, until all seven bodies have been felt by you in the third measurement. But, over time, you have lost contact with all of your bodies, only the feeling of your physical dense body remains for you constant. So, great volume of your reason was liberated, and your mind has become dawdle.

4 And then he came up with a non-existent function: he began to command you, taking the matter in hand about his free volume. He enjoyed it more and more, and finally, he has completely subordinated you to himself.

5 And then he has started to experiment, he has started to think out for you the rights, which were unusual for you and to burden you with nonexistent duties. He, a devil, became the absolute master in this three-dimensional world.

6 So, the astral properties came to the planet - desires, an astral body of a planet is appeared. From desire to possess came aggression, and it has led to endless violence.

7 To constrain you more and more, the devil came up with the money - and the astral body has gained quite material sense.

8 People began to usurp what does not belong to them, and it has generated the ownership. So, because of the property possession, uncountable wars have begun, cruelty and ambition have given birth to a mental body. Worthy property of a mental body, invented by the devil, has become the authority.

9 Now it, a devil, is reliably protected in this world, it feels himself like your host, and so it will be, until you'll allow it. As long as you allow your mind to command you, you will be slaves, and slaves are not able to reach the Way.

10 You have to remember, understand and accept that, initially, each of you has only a single property, which is legal and really belongs to you and to no one else. This property is your physical body, through which your organism communicates with the world, all your seven bodies, six of which today are not visible for the majority of you.

11 Only this is your property, and only that, you are entitled to claim. You have the right and the responsibility to protect only this property. Anything beyond that is of the devil. All your claims beyond this are a violation of Laws on which this world, this Creation is created, and violators of the Law cannot physically enter the Way. As long as you are applying for anything beyond that, you do not pass the planetary transition, you do not pass your exam, and you have no future in Cosmic Evolution.

12 All of you are visitors on this planet, which has allowed you to be on her surface, while you learn at her school. You are the guests in a hotel called ' Earth ', and sooner or later you will have to leave from here. Remember, that in any case, you will be charged for accommodation, and it depends on you, how much burdensome your payment will be for this account. It depends on you, whether you can pay the bill, or you would have to serve duty in the payment of your debts. Remember this all the time!

13 For everything, that is appropriated by you illegally, it is necessary to pay, because the planet’s resources are common for all living on its surface. Earth gave them to you in control, but not in ownership. Has handed over, to ensure, that every person has been able to obtain everything he need, in sufficient quantities, to successfully complete training at the school of the world.

14 Each person, who is born on a planet, is already provided by all, that is necessary in sufficient quantities for the period throughout his life. Thus it was originally established by the Law. And, if you have changed the Law to your own advantage, if other people suffer from it, or, moreover, - if because of this, they cannot fulfill the main purpose of his life’s, for which they came to this planet, - learning, creating of his image ' I am ', then you are in conflict with the Law, then you, who have violated the law, will be responsible for the standards and criteria of Space.

15 Do not expect that norms of the human laws, created by you for your convenience, will be applied to you. Only the true Law of Creation - that is the criteria, by which the court will come to you.

16 Everything what is appropriated illegally is a subject to return, immediately and undoubtedly. If under human laws you have appeared as the owner of the property, not belonging to you, you should become its manager for the good of the all living on a planet. While there is money in the world, you have to answer for every dollar - any cent shouldn't be gone aimlessly.

17 Money, as the creation of the devil, should be destroyed by you irrevocably. The new system of redistribution of the planet's resources should be established on Earth. Criterion one: every person should be provided with all the necessary in sufficient quantities, but not beyond this!

18 Every person has the duty to compensate the planetary resources through their work, he should have the right to work in that area, which lies to his heart, and as many, as it would not be a burden to his heart. Only such work, which is giving a spiritual satisfaction, must exist on the Earth.

19 However, the Earth is your space ship. On the ship, all posts are required: from the cleaner of facilities up to the commander of the ship. Remember, that all of you were born on the planet, each for his place. All of you cannot be the commanders of the ship. But the place of each is defined by a level of its consciousness, its individual progress on a stairs of evolution. Place of each is defined by his soul, before his birth in this world. Once again, only heart can define what seat was intended to each of you by your souls.

20 The Internet should become a basis of a new system of the redistribution of resources. To do this, it must be cleaned from the obsession and diabolical energy, any form of violence and aggression, from electronic games to the advertising, it must be destroyed. And it concerns not only the Internet, but also all mass media.

21 The same fate should be for all manifestations of pornography and sex - intimate relations of beloveds should be returned in area of their individual attitudes and not be a material subject of a cheap sale or the open presentation.

22 Everything, that contradicts a healthy way of life, should be removed from your life. This is particularly true for healthy mental life. Any advertising must be removed from wide dissemination, cleared from every Manifestations of unhealthy life and highlighted in the individual information flows, for each citizen on a planet, which will have a general access to it, but which did not overlap energy flows of a daily healthy life. Any advertising must be available, if necessary, but not out of hopelessness.

23 Money also should be destroyed, as a category. Healthy accounting system, instead of them, which has to be directed not on the control with suppression and oppression of the person, but on the control in order of its all-round assurance, should be established, started and adjusted.

24 Global changes in each individual consciousness and the collective consciousness of civilization should come into your world. Without these changes you will not only be not able to pass through the planetary transition, but also to survive on the planet, as a biological type, as the type of reason.

25 As long as you do not understand this, you will have no future. The sooner you will be able to realize it, than there will be a chance for greater number of people to pass the examination and pass through the gates of this planetary transition.


Chapter 1. Planetary transition Chapter 2. Objectives of this Gospel Chapter 3. The Path that each have in front Chapter 4. '... Whosoever will save his soul, shall lose it; and whoever loses his soul ... will save it' Chapter 5. Devil Chapter 6. A new family, the relationship between a man and a woman
Chapter 7. Education, as the goal of the perfect personality Chapter 8. Two major transitions: birth and death Chapter 9. Religion Chapter 10.Faith and science Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol


It is necessary to work spiritually, persistently and purposefully to bring your feasible contribution in planetary Evolution. But already that you will consider for necessary to distribute this Gospel, and especially, - to follow it and will engage in it with persistence and inspiration, - it will change your life for ever...