Chapter 1. Planetary transition

Chapter 2. Objectives of this Gospel

Chapter 3. The Path that each have in front Chapter 4. '... Whosoever will save his soul, shall lose it; and whoever loses his soul ... will save it' Chapter 5. Devil Chapter 6. A new family, the relationship between a man and a woman
Chapter 7. Education, as the goal of the perfect personality Chapter 8. Two major transitions: birth and death Chapter 9. Religion Chapter 10. Faith and science Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol


Chapter 6. Building a new family, the relationship between a man and a woman.

1 Today the physiology of your bodies is not corroborated by you. You are in a hurry to satisfy the carnal desires of the lower body, and you do not consider energetical physiology of your higher thin bodies. You make up the family early in your life and get your children early in your life, and then wonder, why you are drawn to adultery and divorce, and why after your divorces, your children grow up as orphans with living parents.

2 Your physical bodies are designed to live for 120 years, the resource of a liver is to be a 120 years old and she is the main revitalizer of all poisons in the body. Your soul also counts on this age by the planning of your reincarnation, expecting that you will conduct a healthy way of life. Only this way deserves attention, while others are not worth to be considered.

3 As the whole world around you is triadic, also all processes in it are triadic: your physical life will consist of three periods for forty years everyone.

4 In the first part you shall be born, develop your physical bodies, and have to be ready at the age of forty to meet your soul to reunite with her and gain the experience of living in unity. Only such a person can be considered as a complete person. Only such organism can be considered human. Only at the age of forty years a person becomes an adult, and before that time he is still an infant unreasonable.

5 Six periods of seven years each, develops your organism, and in the first three it passes the opening of three lowest bodies: physical, astral and mental. Further development scheme is that all three of these bodies must be integrated one into another, and this should go for another seven years.

6 Remained two periods of seven years each, should be devoted to a meeting of the person with his soul, their integration into a single entity. Only then the person finds the age of consent, and this age, which you consider as the age of majority at this moment - is only the willingness of the flesh, the desire of the astral and mental imagination of the lower mind.

7 Not knowing the true majority, you doom your imperfect organisms to creation of imperfect descendants, because imperfect cannot bear the perfection.

8 From this comes the degradation of all civilizations, because such an attitude and ignorance distracts your organisms from themselves, prematurely plunges them into an adult life, indulges flourishing of adultery, both male and female prostitution, pornography and perversion, as effects of the unformed, and looking for answers consciousness. Such ignorance dooms the mankind to premature reproduction, and this is the reason for the large overpopulation of the planet.

9 Become staid by forty years, your consciousnesses come to conclusion, that their current existence is not a life what they truly needed; they will either turn on into themselves, poisoning the space around them with the fluids of stress, frustration, anger and irritation, or they will throwing everything away to start a new life. Precisely at this time, there will be the vast majority of your divorces.

10 It is the time to forget this vicious social state of the relationship between your heterosexual organisms. Until forty years you do not need to reproduce yourselves in the offspring. You should focus on to become a mature, healthy, wholesome organism, worthy to continue to develop your civilization.

11 To do this, you must build your education in accordance with your energetical human physiology, with cyclicity of processes, flows in your organisms, and it must become socially important, and be the main task of your civilization.

12 Carnal and Astral attraction to the opposite sex should be seen as a physiological need of your organisms in the Exchange of the energies of opposite characters, which should not be blocked, but which is necessary to satisfy. For this purpose, public foundations should reconsider the institute of civil marriages among young people, in whom they, living together, will be teachers of family relations for each other, teaching life lessons from each other. Such a civilian families should be formed by mutual affection and both spouses must be responsible, consisting in the refusal of childbearing before the age of forty.

13 No matter how their relationship will be, they must consciously understand that without being adults themselves, they are unable to conceive a full-fledged offspring. To make this understanding really conscious, Energetical Physiology of a Human should enter into the list of school subjects and should be learned from a school bench. Given the continuity and regularity of education as the main tasks of individual life of each person, Energetical Physiology of a Human should be studied throughout their lives, taking into account its specific age stages.

14 In case of the young men, forty years of age, living in a civil marriage, understand that they are not harmonious and complete pair one for another, they can leave to find a harmonious half of their future family. If it turns out that their life is harmonious and complete, after celebrating theirs fortieth anniversary, they consolidate their civil marriage and acquire the right to reproduce themselves in the offspring.

15 It is necessary to understand, that only a pair of opposite-sex spouses is natural and harmonious, from the point of view of the Law of Creation. No matter how the relationship has developed between spouses, they should recognize that initially, only their own bodies are their unconditional property. It means, that in the preparation of a married couple, no matter in civil or in full marriage it is, each of spouses can dispose himself at his own discretion.

16 Of course, respecting inherent free will, each of the spouses can give himself in spouses to another, while leaving another the right to make their own decisions, whether to be the spouse in response or not. However, you must remember that you automatically assume obligations that you must fulfill.

17 Therefore, do not tell to each other: ’I’ll take you, as mine wife or husband’, but leave to the beloved the right to choose. Tell him: 'I give myself to you, as a wife or husband, and voluntarily undertake to take care of you', only this form matches the full freedom of the individual.

18 Conceiving of the children, should be planned in advance, carefully complying with the healthy way of life and assuming the responsibility for health of the future child, which comes with the first thought, that you are ready to conceive.

19 Both parents are required to bear a child; - such attitude towards their future child will lead to the fact that only bright and pure spiritual entity, will come to this world. Such an attitude toward his kin will automatically clean the planet from the presence of her low gross and aggressive energies.

20 Purification of the planet in such a natural way is very effective and will lead to striking the results already through 3-4 generations of the earthlings, who have accepted this way of life.

21 This way of life and the responsible attitude to the evolution will lead to the cleaning of the earthlings from wrong and distorted energies, which are the source of a sexual dissatisfaction, a constant search for his spiritual partner, and half of his family, unspent need for a harmony of the Creation. Significantly will decrease and eventually will go on into oblivion such a modern public manifestations, as prostitution, pornography, sexual distortions, homosexuality and lesbian love, divorce, depression and mental blocks, and phobias of a various orientations.

22 In the large extent, the health in the world space will be improved, due to the fact, that entrance to this world for low, rough and aggressive energies will be blocked. In combination with the destruction and reorganization of diabolical energy on Earth, peace and harmony will enter the lives of earthlings.


Chapter 1. Planetary transition Chapter 2. Objectives of this Gospel Chapter 3. The Path that each have in front Chapter 4. '... Whosoever will save his soul, shall lose it; and whoever loses his soul ... will save it' Chapter 5. Devil Chapter 6. A new family, the relationship between a man and a woman
Chapter 7. Education, as the goal of the perfect personality Chapter 8. Two major transitions: birth and death Chapter 9. Religion Chapter 10.Faith and science Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol


It is necessary to work spiritually, persistently and purposefully to bring your feasible contribution in planetary Evolution. But already that you will consider for necessary to distribute this Gospel, and especially, - to follow it and will engage in it with persistence and inspiration, - it will change your life for ever...