Chapter 1. Planetary transition

Chapter 2. Objectives of this Gospel

Chapter 3. The Path that each have in front Chapter 4. '... Whosoever will save his soul, shall lose it; and whoever loses his soul ... will save it' Chapter 5. Devil Chapter 6. A new family, the relationship between a man and a woman
Chapter 7. Education, as the goal of the perfect personality Chapter 8. Two major transitions: birth and death Chapter 9. Religion Chapter 10. Faith and science Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol


Chapter 7. Education as the goal of the perfect personality.

1 When the person, who has reached the age of forty, gives birth to children, the next forty years he spends in concerns about them. In the same way as his parents, he performs his own duty to bring his offspring up to the age of forty. He is obliged to accompany his children until they reach adulthood.

2 This period of his life is mirrored with his first forty years; with the only difference that now he watches from the sidelines the growth, development and the manhood of the human organism. The indispensable condition here is the compliance with the Law of development of the human personality, which reflection is Energetical Physiology of a Human.

3 Indispensable condition is support of the child on his seven-year energetical cycles that passes his organism. The parent is obliged to know, comply and understand the processes, occurring in his child.

4 Not a smaller duty of the parents is the help to their child in the definition of the purpose of his birth on Earth. To his adulthood everyone should understand why he was born on the planet, see the purpose of his incarnation and the direction of his individual evolution, following which he will be able to fulfill the tasks of his birth.

5 Such a statement of the problem should enter into a concept of the age of majority of the human organism. When a parent has fulfilled this responsibility to its child, and when he brought it to its fortieth anniversary, that is, until the age of majority, his duties to the child as a parent ends. After age of forty, his child should be completely independent harmonious person, ready to reproduce themselves in his offspring.

6 At this time, his parents reach their second threshold - the end of their second phase of the second forty-year stage. Being released from the duties of the parent, they are completely provided to themselves, and not only can, but also are obliged to devote the following forty years to the spiritual self-improvement.

7 During the previous 80 years, they have had the opportunity to learn the experience of being in a material substance and the experience of consciousness of the Son. Now has come the turn of discovering the spiritual will of the Father.

8 For the remained forty years are intended to live in the spirit, which is in a State of continuous meditation, to comprehend spiritual hiding places of the organism, in this world and in the Universe. Each person must complete his education in this world with such an individual spiritual work.

9 Your work of this period of life is the knowledge of the wisdom of life, of the energoinformational Will of a content of the Universe. Universal databases and egregores are opened for you, and you can take advantage of them, and organically increase already received experience.

10 During this period there is an improvement of the natural wisdom, preparation for the second main transition in a life of everyone, which you call - death. The consciousness of the person is going to return to the Source, and during this period of a life directs to spontaneity of the child. Everything falls back into his place: wisdom is bordering with the certainty and openness.

11 The society should take the main concern for the person in this period of his life, providing him with everything what is necessary in sufficient quantities; their work to replenish the planet's resources provided by their labor is not mandatory – so, the person should be completely free in the straightening of his spiritual path.

12 Such organization of social consciousness harmoniously establishes education as a basis for the existence of the civilization. The future of modern consumer society is possible only in the form of a society of the education.


Chapter 1. Planetary transition Chapter 2. Objectives of this Gospel Chapter 3. The Path that each have in front Chapter 4. '... Whosoever will save his soul, shall lose it; and whoever loses his soul ... will save it' Chapter 5. Devil Chapter 6. A new family, the relationship between a man and a woman
Chapter 7. Education, as the goal of the perfect personality Chapter 8. Two major transitions: birth and death Chapter 9. Religion Chapter 10.Faith and science Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol


It is necessary to work spiritually, persistently and purposefully to bring your feasible contribution in planetary Evolution. But already that you will consider for necessary to distribute this Gospel, and especially, - to follow it and will engage in it with persistence and inspiration, - it will change your life for ever...