Chapter 1. Planetary transition

Chapter 2. Objectives of this Gospel

Chapter 3. The Path that each have in front Chapter 4. '... Whosoever will save his soul, shall lose it; and whoever loses his soul ... will save it' Chapter 5. Devil Chapter 6. A new family, the relationship between a man and a woman
Chapter 7. Education, as the goal of the perfect personality Chapter 8. Two major transitions: birth and death Chapter 9. Religion Chapter 10. Faith and science Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol


Chapter 1. Planetary transition.

1 There is not much time left until December of 2012, and I still do not know, and I cannot determine what would it be: whether the change of poles of the earth, or the cleansing of the electromagnetic field and its new formatting - but no matter what, it will be accompanied by, and is already accompanied by, natural disasters and technological disasters on a global scale.

2 There's no other way to change quickly and massively the mind of thinking of the people on Earth - humanity, which in its madness doesn´t pay any attention how important is it to respect our planet and each other. People are cutting the branch on which they sit and do not thinking about how they will fall, and about who will gain more money from the sale of the branches. All people going mad from thirst of hoarding and acquisitiveness ...

3 May be it will be a quiet transition to the next dimension, which the most of us will not notice in everyday world horror, hundreds of thousands will leave this world and go to the fifth dimension, because their consciousness has reached this level. Millions of people will go also, but into the twilight worlds, different than this world on the Earth today, because they have not seen their way and didn't try to see it at all. Chaos and death will reign even more on the planet, but it has become so normal today, that people do not pay attention to it anymore. And still doesn't understanding anything, they will remain gloat, that again there was no transition occurred, but what they are not realize, is that they were left behind, after the transition.

4 No matter what, December 2012 - this is one of the key points of the planetary, human and galactic evolution, after which the new energies, different in strength, quality and characteristics will create on this planet the new conditions for the existence of life in general.

5 The ability of people to adapt to these new conditions, will show, how their life will continue on this planet. In the next 12 years, these new conditions will be included in everyday life and they will change it, connecting in dialogue all living being of our planet, to establish the bioenergetical ties to the next evolutionary stage.

6 Plants and animals are less susceptible to these changes, although many species will disappear from the face of the planet, but more, because it is already impossible to save them from the effects of human activities.

7 Above all(mostly), these changes will be exposed to a human being himself, because the major changes are occurring in energoinformational field of the planet, and a human brain responds to them first. From each certain person depends, whether each owner of the brain will survive or not.

8 Many warnings, revelations and signs were given to the people. At certain times, there were more of them, at some time - less, but over about (during the last) 28 000 years the forces of the Creation were trying to reason the people to heed them. Those, who understand this, will go through this ordeal, through the threshold, that separates the levels of evolution and self-consciousness.

9 The Judgment Day will come from 2025 - this period is known by the people today under this name. It will continue during 1000 years, and during this time, all souls, these rational essences, these Consciousnesses, who are going together with the planet to a School of Unity of Mind, and are forming a global mind of the Earth (there are 60 billion of them) - will incarnate at least once in human bodies to pass their examination for compliance with the terms of the new evolutionary period.

10 During one human life, they will have their exam and pass into the fifth dimension, if they will pass the exams successfully, or stay in this level of consciousness, to continue their education.

11 And after 1000 year the results will be summarized to finally find out, who of the students of this school was a worthy to move to the next grade and confirmed their abilities, and who - not. Earth will come to a key point in its evolution and will finish this planetary transition. A new stage of the evolutionary Path will begin…

Chapter 1. Planetary transition Chapter 2. Objectives of this Gospel Chapter 3. The Path that each have in front Chapter 4. '... Whosoever will save his soul, shall lose it; and whoever loses his soul ... will save it' Chapter 5. Devil Chapter 6. A new family, the relationship between a man and a woman
Chapter 7. Education, as the goal of the perfect personality Chapter 8. Two major transitions: birth and death Chapter 9. Religion Chapter 10.Faith and science Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol


It is necessary to work spiritually, persistently and purposefully to bring your feasible contribution in planetary Evolution. But already that you will consider for necessary to distribute this Gospel, and especially, - to follow it and will engage in it with persistence and inspiration, - it will change your life for ever...