Chapter 1. Planetary transition

Chapter 2. Objectives of this Gospel

Chapter 3. The Path that each have in front Chapter 4. '... Whosoever will save his soul, shall lose it; and whoever loses his soul ... will save it' Chapter 5. Devil Chapter 6. A new family, the relationship between a man and a woman
Chapter 7. Education, as the goal of the perfect personality Chapter 8. Two major transitions: birth and death Chapter 9. Religion Chapter 10. Faith and science Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol


Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet.

1 Today, any of your authority – is not from God, because you have violated the Law of Hierarchy, until its very negation. Democracy, as you name it, is not the Law of Space -this is your creation. Therefore is no order, no peace in your countries.

2 Democracy is good in a realization of the free will of the person, when it concerns its individual progress. But it is fatal for the progress of a civilization.

3 Authority, which is familiar to you today, is the system, invented by you for suppression and oppression of the free consciousness, no matter which form of the government the authority adheres.

4 It is corrupted everywhere on a planet, and the so-called separation of authority from business is nothing more than fiction and a deceit. Your authority is subordinated to the money everywhere and it means, to a devil in its truest manifestation.

5 To change your civilization, it is necessary to change also the attitude of the person to the authority. It is necessary to understand, that authority is a duty of Service, which deprives the person of its freedom. If this duty is organized properly, according to the space Law, it is creative and not criminal. If it is executed against the law - it is always destructive and vicious.

6 Most important defect of your modern authority is its devil nature, involved on money and the property, its antihumanism, its orientation on a destruction of the free consciousness of the person.

7 It is not a question of reconstruction of the modern system of authority in your world, not about its improvement, and not about the correction of any link of it. To rescue a human civilization, your systems of authority should be thrown in the trash completely, to be replaced by, radically different, hierarchical and free from financial dependence, institute of the authorities.

8 Any functionary and especially members of the governments, parliaments, and heads of the state should not be younger than the age of the majority, because the imperfect personality has no right to govern. Managers and administrators must surely be tolerant, this means really perceive the pain of others as their own. Thoughts about themselves should be the last in the minds of rulers, leaders and officials of any rank.

9 The governing positions should be performed by those, who have already entered into the process of reuniting with their soul, and senior positions in the management of people, should be taken by those, who have already completed this process. The head of state is the supreme hierarch of the people, and he should combine managerial authority with the spiritual leadership.

10 Your modern science allows you to define on the basis of the wave radiation, the level of development of each individual. These precise data should become criteria in the selection of candidates on the supervising positions and during the election campaigns.

11 There is no difficulty to make the map of the radiation, corresponding to the specific levels of human development. Passing requirement for qualification of every leader should be determined by the minimum acceptable level of his consciousness. System of the individual wave radiations will protect you not only from low and gross energies, which are aspiring to dominate you, but also provide unconditional independence of your leaders from the influence of the property, money, fame.

12 Each Hierarch of the people, being its spiritual driver, selected by people, bears the personal responsibility before the Forces of Creation and the Creator himself, for the evolution of his people, for the execution of the Law, for the cleanliness of the priorities and the gene pool.

13 Each Driver of the people is the first Servant of the people, their Keeper; his entire ministry he is obliged to ensure the movement of his people on the Path to reunification of the collective consciousness with the collective soul. This is the main objective of his ministry.

14 Driver of the people is bearing his personal responsibility, but is assisted by the Council of the Sages, which has consultative and advisory powers. Wisdom Council shall consist out of those fifty men, wave nature of which is above others, who have been reunited with their souls and are in the last third of their earthly journey. Participation in the Council of Sages is a voluntary decision of each, but for those, who has given his consent, is assumed thereby that they will take the burden of serving as an obligation on their shoulders.

15 In the case of the loss of their personal purity, or in the case that the Driver radically rejects the opinion of the Council of Sages, any Member can voluntary combine from itself the powers of the further participation in work of the Council . If half of the members of the Council shall resign its powers, the Council of Sages considered dissolved, and the work of the Driver will be considered as not performed.

16 Then the election of the Driver and the formation of the Council of Sages occur again.

17 When this management and leadership will spread themselves in your civilization everywhere, similarly, there should be a single board and the spiritual guidance of the entire planet, populated by a single nation - Earthlings.


Chapter 1. Planetary transition Chapter 2. Objectives of this Gospel Chapter 3. The Path that each have in front Chapter 4. '... Whosoever will save his soul, shall lose it; and whoever loses his soul ... will save it' Chapter 5. Devil Chapter 6. A new family, the relationship between a man and a woman
Chapter 7. Education, as the goal of the perfect personality Chapter 8. Two major transitions: birth and death Chapter 9. Religion Chapter 10.Faith and science Chapter 11. Authority and management of a planet Chapter 12. Planetary transition and Patrol


It is necessary to work spiritually, persistently and purposefully to bring your feasible contribution in planetary Evolution. But already that you will consider for necessary to distribute this Gospel, and especially, - to follow it and will engage in it with persistence and inspiration, - it will change your life for ever...